
This is how we always end up sitting on a chair…


Since the pandemic, we are stuck at home and spend so many hours infront of a desk. What happens when we’re sitting on a chair? We start to lean forward, lean to the side, cross out legs and rest on our chin. To save us from intense back pain, I came up with the idea to provide a program that provide body posture correction.

Important materials

You need a camera that can be connected to the Jetson Nano developer tool, image dataset, and a neural network. And of course the Jetson Nano developer kit. You may also use the more expensive kits to store more data.

I used the Raspberry camera (very affordable) and crawled human pose images on Google. My initial intention was to use the Coco dataset, however, the size of the dataset (20G) exceeded Jetson Nano’s memory size. To improve the accuracy and lower the latency, instead of using the conventional Resnet, Densenet, and MobileNet networks, I chose Mnasnet.

The Pose Correction algorithms

For pose detection, I used the trt pose code from here.

After you trained your neural network, you need an algorithm that decides whether the person is in a good posture or not. This is what I used for my project. I used the x/y coordinates of the body parts.

def check_slump(neck_y,nose_y):
    if neck_y != 0 and nose_y != 0 and nose_y > neck_y :
        return False
    else :
        return True

def check_tilted_left(leftshoulder_x, leftear_x):
    if leftshoulder_x != 0 and leftear_x != 0 and leftshoulder_x < leftear_x :
        return False
    else :
        return True

def check_tilted_right(rightshoulder_x, rightear_x):
    if rightshoulder_x != 0 and rightear_x != 0 and rightshoulder_x > rightear_x :
        return False
    else :
        return True

def check_tilted_pelvis(leftpelvis_y, rightpelvis_y):
    if leftpelvis_y != 0 and rightpelvis_y != 0 and not -0.02 <=(leftpelvis_y - rightpelvis_y)<=0.02 : 
        return False
    else :
        return True

def check_knee(leftknee_x, rightknee_x) :
    if leftknee_x != 0 and rightknee_x != 0 and not -0.21 <= (leftknee_x - rightknee_x)<=0.21 :
        return False
    else :
        return True

def check_ankle(leftknee_x, leftankle_x) :
    if leftknee_x != 0 and leftankle_x != 0 and  leftknee_x + 0.02< leftankle_x :
        return False
    else :
        return True

def check_headdrop(lefteye_y, leftear_y) :
    if lefteye_y != -1 and leftear_y != -1 and lefteye_y > leftear_y :
        return False
    else :
        return True

Demo Video

Here is a gif demo showing how the program works!
